Wouldn't it be nice...

To no longer second-guess yourself when approaching the bilingual journey with your child?

  • To wake up and innately know what your deaf child needs?

  • To feel confident when sitting down to read them a story in a signed or spoken language?

  • To be able to communicate your 'why' around including a signed language - without the feeling of overwhelm or frustration?

  • To have easy, flexible strategies to enhance their bilingual development anywhere and anytime?

  • To feel confident in your knowledge around the signed bilingual approach when confronted with difficult conversations?

I know you are here because you want the best for your child and are committed to supporting them so they can flourish

But I also know that you are probably:

  • Frustrated with the lack of accessible resources available to support you in achieving a bilingual-rich home

  • Tired of the constant advocacy and trying to find the words to justify raising them bilingually

  • Confused and conflicted around the inconsistent advice and information you are receiving 

  • Overwhelmed by the unreasonable expectations placed on you by specialists, by your family and sometimes even by yourself!

I'm here to show you that it doesn't have to be that way!

Creating a bilingual-rich environment for your child is within your reach. It's all about small steps for big impact.

I want to help you:

  • Gather a practical and flexible 'bilingual toolkit'

  • Build your personal bilingual ‘roadmap’ for the future

  • Transform your mindset around your role in early intervention

  • Develop clear, manageable steps to maximise quality ‘language time’ without the stress

  • Tackle your bilingual 'language blocks'

  • Shift from 'bystander' to 'lead expert' of your child's bilingual development

  • Gather a collection of high-yield bilingual strategies

  • Connect with a whole community of like-minded families on the bilingual journey

NDIS Australian Residents only:

If you require an NDIS invoice to be sent prior to payment, please email [email protected] with your child's first name, last name, NDIS number and plan manager email (if applicable).

Once funds are cleared and payment has been received, you will be added to the student register and gain access to the bootcamp.

Hear from the Raising Bilinguals Community

“I have a Deaf daughter who is two and a half years old. Clare has helped my husband and I to navigate through the tumultuous first couple of years. I wholeheartedly recommend Clare to other parents that are trying to find their way. I'm so excited about the Raising Bilinguals Bootcamp because it's an opportunity to gather that village around us, of like-minded parents on a similar journey. Plus, all the juicy ideas that I can take into our play!"”

Stacey T

“Clare has been able to help us navigate our journey by being our biggest support person. She understands the emotional rollercoaster of being a parent to a deaf child through lived in experience and she educates you enough to give you that fire in your belly which allows you to be the best resource for your child. The Raising Bilinguals Bootcamp will be a great resource for parents. Learning from someone who has worked in the industry for 13 years as well as raising their own deaf child will give parents the best of both worlds.”

Alycia T

“"We will forever be grateful to have met Clare at the beginning of my daughter's hearing loss journey. She provided so much support, guidance and information - all in a really balanced way that considered the needs of the whole family. She has helped build my daughter's confidence and self-advocacy skills - and helped build my confidence too! Absolute sunshine in human form and a blessing to my family" ”

Kerryn W

Take control of the signed bilingual journey with this self-paced, flexible online program that breaks down exactly what you need to do to build a rich bilingual environment for your deaf and hard of hearing child.

In this first round of the Raising Bilinguals Bootcamp you will get the benefit of:

  • My lived experience as a parent of a signing deaf child and my 13 years of experience as a teacher in the Deaf Education space

  • Investing in the lowest price this course will ever be

  • Monthly live check-ins via Zoom with the opportunity to ask me questions, share experiences and interact with others on the journey

  • A private online community hub where you can connect with like-minded parents, receive ongoing support, contribute to discussions and share aha moments along the way

  • 6 months access to a private learning platform filled with video content, tutorials, downloadable resources and your own digital workbook

I will guide you through my proven framework for creating a bilingual-rich environment with confidence



    This week will focus on building a solid foundation of knowledge around the core elements of a signed bilingual approach and provide clarity around exactly what that looks like for your deaf child.


    This week I break down the key benefits around signed bilingualism, the epidemic that is language deprivation and unpack how this language approach can transform the lives of deaf and hard of hearing children - starting at home.


    If we don't know where we're heading, how can we take the right steps towards an effective outcome for our child? bilingual environment for our child? This week is all about gaining clarity around YOUR family's version of a bilingual approach (because they aren't all created equal!), looking ahead and creating a solid family action plan for the future.


    If learning a new language while juggling the deaf and hearing worlds and while also trying to make informed decisions for your child, has you feeling overwhelmed - you're not alone! Together we will face our bilingual blocks, shift our mindset and build evidence-based strategies to keep you on track!


    It is no secret that it takes a village to raise a deaf child, but sometimes we can underestimate the incredible impact this village can have on our child's future success and outcomes. This week I will dissect the dos and don'ts we need to be aware of, when building our child's village and how to ensure it aligns with our purpose and vision. HINT: It's not quality, not quantity!


    This week marks the final module in the theory component of the bootcamp (and is arguably the most important for us as parents raising deaf children!) None of us can avoid the constant advocacy nor the frustrating conversations that inevitably arise on this journey - however we can prepare for them. I will lead you in building a strong bilingual 'script' that is guided by the knowledge gained in the previous modules, our live check-ins and the bootcamp community hub.


    This week we will explore the true impact of our child's physical environment on their language and communication development and how a 'few tweaks' can make all the difference for their journey (some of these may surprise you!) We will also unpack the power of language and how the words we use can help or hinder the progress with our child.



    The first module for our practical component of the bootcamp is all about communication; the key that unlocks all avenues for our deaf and hard of hearing kids. I will unpack simple yet powerful strategies guaranteed to enhance your child's communication skills and lay a strong bilingual foundation for language. This week you will learn how to make every moment count so your child gets the most out of every interaction.


    This module is all about enhancing parent to child interactions, which are arguably the most critical in a deaf child's early development. You will learn how to implement a range of evidence-based and proven strategies to level up the way you connect with your child on a daily basis. Simple 'tweaks' in how we approach everyday conversations with our child can bring about a ripple effect that positively impacts all areas of their language journey.


    When it comes to reading to our bilingual deaf child, there can be questions around which language to use and when, as well as how that actually looks day to day. This week I will be breaking down the answers to all these questions (and more!) and providing you with a simple set of steps to ensure every reading experience is a rich and beneficial one.



    It's time to have some fun! In these last two modules you will be taking all the knowledge, strategies and skills you've gained over the course of the bootcamp and putting them into real-life practice! With my support, you will implement a range of chosen strategies and have an opportunity to reflect on the growth you've made over the past 12 weeks. By the end of this module, you will have developed a tried-and-true practical 'toolkit', have countless strategies under your belt and be ready to take your rightful place as the 'bilingual expert' you always knew you could be!


    In this bonus week, I will be sharing with you what is ahead for our bootcamp family and how we can connected and continue on the bilingual journey together!

Join now and get FREE access to loads of extra bonus material (valued at $3500!)

Exclusive Bonuses

Along with your 12 interactive learning modules, you will also receive a range of additional resources and support as part of your bootcamp journey!

  • Bootcamp Digital Workbook (Lifetime access)

    $600 value

    This digital workbook guides you through each new learning module with an easy-to-use layout and fillable prompts. It includes loads of educational resources, videos and consolidation exercises to ensure you get the most out of your Bootcamp journey! The best part? You get to download and keep all your work (and the content within) for life! A knowledge-filled resource to stay with you, well beyond this Bootcamp.

  • 6 x Live Online Catch-ups with a Teacher of the Deaf

    $1100 value

    Every month for 6 months, Clare Best (Teacher of the Deaf) will be running live Zoom catchups with 'bootcampers' to answer all your questions, provide added insights, share her knowledge as a teacher and parent in the space as well as support you in getting the MOST out of the Raising Bilinguals Bootcamp experience.

  • 40+ Downloadable Resources & Templates

    $1000 value

    Throughout the bootcamp journey, you will receive loads of high-quality resources to enhance your understanding and provide practical guidance along the way. Resources include, infographics, checklists, how-to guides, communication scripts (for those tricky conversations) and much more!


  • Private Access to the Bootcamp Community Hub & Resources

    $500 value

    Get exclusive access to the Raising Bilinguals Bootcamp Community Hub and the weekly discussions, resources and bonus materials within! This is a safe and supportive space for you to connect, share and celebrate your 'aha' moments with other bootcampers on the learning journey!

  • Bilingual Monitoring Checklist (0 - 5 years)

    $200 value

    An easy-to-use developmental checklist that guides you in monitoring and supporting your own deaf child's spoken and signed language growth - at home! Targets ages from newborn up to 5 years old!

  • Early Bird Entry to the Raising Bilinguals Club (Online Membership)

    $100 value

    Be the first to access and engage in the Raising Bilinguals Club! An exciting online community filled with never-before-seen resources, support materials, tutorials, interviews and live discussions exclusively for bootcamp graduates!

CLARE BEST (Creator & Facilitator)

Mother of a Deaf child & Teacher of the Deaf

Who is the Raising Bilinguals Bootcamp for?

Parents and carers who are:

  • raising deaf and hard of hearing children in the early years of development

  • passionate about implementing a bilingual bimodal journey

  • wanting to connect with like-minded parents on the journey

  • have the time and space to commit to the next 3 months of learning and growing

Who is the Raising Bilinguals Bootcamp NOT for?

  • Specialists, professionals and/or educators in the field

  • Parents and carers of children who are not deaf or hard of hearing

  • Non-parents who are interested in deaf development

NOTE: As a hearing parent raising a deaf child, this bootcamp has been guided by my own lived experience and with that unique demographic in mind. I deeply recognise and respect the complex journey of deaf parents raising deaf and hard of hearing children, yet must acknowledge I am not equipped nor do I understand the intricacies of that journey in order to support them adequately as a hearing person. I hope in the future, Raising Bilinguals can collaborate with Deaf-led organisations to bring much-needed resources to this parent community

You might be wondering?

  • What happens if I can't keep up with the content due to time or life demands?

    This is the best part! When you purchase the Raising Bilinguals Bootcamp, you will have 6 months from the time of purchase to complete the 12 modules. There is an estimated value of over 60 hours of interactive learning included within the bootcamp. This is inclusive of the high-quality content in the 12 learning modules, as well as the activities outlined in your downloadable workbook and the 40+ useable resources you will receive throughout the bootcamp. Also, to ensure flexibility for any busy schedule (because let’s be honest, kids make everything busy!) each module will be drip-fed, giving you a week to complete each one, before the next one is made available. 6 months of access will enable parents and carers more than enough time to get the most out of the program (and community).

  • What if I have questions or need to clarify things during the bootcamp?

    You have a range of support options to help in answering any questions or concerns you may have along the way. You can pose these in our private Bootcamp Community Hub, during our live monthly check-ins or you are more than welcome to email these through to [email protected]

  • I don't have the budget for this right now. What are my options?

    The great thing about the Raising Bilinguals Bootcamp is that there are two intake periods within the year. So, if you aren’t able to join this round, there will be another opportunity later down the track to invest and join our wonderful community of learners. NOTE: As the demand for the bootcamp grows, there may be a need to increase fees and change the course structure depending on numbers and interest.

  • Will I be able to access the content and materials after the 6 month period?

    Yes! You will have a whole range of practical resources and materials to take with you after the bootcamp is finished. Although, you will not have access to the learning module videos beyond the bootcamp, you have lifetime access to your 12-module digital workbook (if downloaded) and over 40 PDF resources! Additionally, you will have the opportunity to join our private Raising Bilinguals Club, an online membership community filled with resources, support and ongoing learning materials for you to sink your teeth into!

  • I don't have a laptop or computer. Can I still join?

    Absolutely! You

NDIS Australian Residents only:

If you require an NDIS invoice to be sent prior to payment, please email [email protected] with your child's first name, last name, NDIS number and plan manager email (if applicable).

Once funds are cleared and payment has been received, you will be added to the student register and gain access to the bootcamp.

More from our Raising Bilinguals community!